Operating & Development

The quality of the products and services depends on our good employees to maintain. Elerhyt Trieqim gains continuous success not only because we let everybody fully display his talents,but also because we create solidarity, harmonious coordination work environment.


  • In supply chain management

ETL has a strict internal control and absolute attention and in strict compliance with national laws and regulations. In the process of selecting the supplier, Elerhyt Trieqim take a fair bidding process and to take measures to ensure that the partner benefit distribution between partners, suppliers and customers.


  • Security customer benefits

Protection for clients and their privacy is Elerhyt Trieqim one of the priority tasks, the company introduced a stringent customer data protection mechanism to protect customer privacy. We remind employees, stressing the importance of maintaining customer privacy security.


  • Anti-fraud 

Our company set up a sound internal control framework, as well as a strict policy on, and thorough implementation in order to prevent corruption and fraud.

Executive Management would not tolerate corruption and fraud. Values such as honesty, fair, transparent and accountable are reflected in the ETL's relevant policies and operating procedures.

Meanwhile, to show the employee's determined stand against corruption and fraud, also in the third-party supplier contracts incorporate appropriate provisions made it clear the Group's requirements. All in all, the company's internal audit Department conducts independent audits and make the mechanism more effective perfect.